Master’s Theses
If you want to write your final thesis (Bachelor’s, Master’s) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mario Liebensteiner, please send an email ( with the following details:
- What experience do you have in Energy, Resource, Environmental, and Industrial Economics? Which courses did you attend?
- What experience do you have in Econometrics? Did you attend courses in econometrics, statistics, or empirical analysis?
- Garades
- CV
Language: you may write your thesis in German or English.
Applications during the end of each semester
Applications of thesis supervision should be handed in by the end of each semester (around last two weeks). Prof. Liebensteiner will decide who to supervise. Upon a positive application, students may start writing their thesis by the beginning of the semester (or even during the semester break).
Master’s Theses are generally empirical econometric applications.
Topics for final theses should be related to the main research areas of the Chair of Energy Markets and Energy Systems Analysis:
- Design and regulation of energy marekts
- Evaluation of energy and environmental policies (especially of strategies to reduce greenhouse gases)
Here is a Styleguide for Theses (in German)